All donations are tax deductible
We are a 501c3 non-profit Citizen Support Organization. We support both Gamble Rogers and North Peninsula /State Parks through volunteering, fundraising and sponsoring programs and projects. Both our state parks offer wonderful recreational and educational opportunities for everyone!
From member's only events to community outreach to resource management and so much more, Friends group members provide continuous support and are vital to the success of the park. Funds raised by the Friends are used for specific projects in the park and to purchase equipment for staff and park use.
We manage the Shuck & Share oyster recycling program to promote environmental responsibility and as a means to provide financial support. Our Membership meetings are held at the park on the last Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm.
For more about what we do visit the Programs and Projects pages.
President: Greg Wilson
Treasurer: Mark King
Secretary: Laura Salter
Park Manager: Lynne Flannery
Asst. Park Manager: Christopher Clauson
Park Services Specialist: Stephanie York
Board Member: Bill Denny
Board Member:
Board Member: Paul Rebmann
Board Member: Connie Schrider
Board Member: Mary Ellen Setting
Board Member: Mary Anne Walsh